Ethan Andes, the owner of Andes Roofing, has worked in and around the roofing industry for 9 years. Ethan is from Southern Indiana and he got into roofing because his girlfriend worked for a roofing company. Ethan simply wanted to hang out with her and the next thing he knew, he was packing shingles!

While working as the Sales Manager for another Roofing Company, Ethan saw a need for a “Professional” Roofing Company. Ethan made a list of all the things that were lacking in the roofing market, and those things have become Andes Roofing’s core objectives to excel at.

Quality Work and Superior Customer Service are Ethan’s number one priorities, and Andes Roofing will always strive to show it through their actions, the products they install, and the services they provide. Influenced by the love of God, Andes Roofing is dedicated to treating people with the upmost respect, and allowing a positive influence to push people to a brighter future.

On this episode we talk about having a “whatever it takes” mentality to make your roofing company succeed.


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